Sunday, September 20, 2009

LOL COMBAT ARMS! (Combat Arms Review)

I'll post this complaint here since it will probably get removed from the forums because the staff can't handle the truth :)

Why Combat Arms is terrible and nobody should ever play it:

1. Hit detection, among other actions that should be serverside are clientside.
'Nuff said? If not, continue reading...

Clientside hit detection is easily enough to ruin any online game. It already ruined STALKER, Crysis, FEAR, and now this garbage game.

The game is profit driven. First of all, I would not pay one cent for this game. It is extremely unfair that the people who payed can kill you while you are stuck with guns that take 30 bullets to kill one person. To be honest this isn't actually all that bad since most people that pay for the guns seriously suck and I can kill them and take their gun and own everyone, but when someone good gets the gun, it sucks for everyone who doesn't have one.

3. There is a swear filter. It doesn't work. I can't type "protection", "happened", or "sniper" because the filter thinks they are swear words, but people can easily bypass it to type actual swear words. And why is "jew" filtered? it isn't a swear word. Oh yeah and there's a voice command that makes your player say "F*CK I DON'T WANT TO DIE"...

4. Hack Shield.
Not only is there an anticheat system (If the game was made properly, it wouldn't need anticheat, just a kicking system), but it has to be run as admin, which compromises the entire integrity of your computer because if someone finds a stack smash exploit in the game (I am sure there are tons), they can easily gain full control of your computer. Furthermore, why would I trust some incompetent/greedy developers to execute arbitrary code as admin on my system????

I literally have a separate computer just for playing games because of Windows software that has to be run as admin.

Oh, and last but not least, the anticheat obviously doesn't work, every second server has one or more people shooting you from their spawn through 20 walls.

Anyways, it's very easy to permanently bypass any anticheat system for games that are run from your PC. (TLB desynchronization anyone? Oh, and screenshots can be cleaned by rendering visuals such as wallhacks on another abstraction level than that of the screenshot rendering code)

5. Glitches and annoyances:
  • You can't start games half the time because it says the server timed out or something like that.
  • When you try to join a game that you can't join due to being full or in progress etc, you get a nondescript error message stating a list of possible reasons why the game could not be joined, but it doesn't say which reason. Furthermore, you should be able to browse games without quitting the one you are currently in...
  • When you try to join a game from your friends list that you can't join (due to one of the reasons above), if you are already in a game, it will make you quit that game and you will be back in the menu.
  • There's no way to compare guns in game unless they are on the same page or the second compared gun is the first one on the next page.
  • Gun prices. Every time I play this game, I have to play an hour and die 9000 times because my guns expired, then I finally afford guns and my kill/death ratio is between 2 to 4 every round, until hackers join and start mass killing T_T.
  • The black skinny suits. You can't shoot people when they wear this...
  • Can't message friends while they are in a game.
  • Pressing the "Messenger" button almost never works when closing the messenger.
  • Overall lameness of the game. "Hot zone"s on the maps in the loading screen? WTF? Lame people with cool-dude glasses, etc. "Go Go Go" Voice, oh so terrible.
  • Advertisement on loading screen: "IT'S OKAY TO EXPIRIMENT! GET A GENDER CHANGE", what is this? Getting paid by LGBT or something? That is disgusting.
  • When people pay for colored names, you can't tell what team they are on when they chat.
  • Can't change the chat button. I changed it to "T", and I still have to press ENTER to open the chat window. This problem existed since the release of the game >:(
  • "Block whispers" and "Curse filtering" options. Why do these exist if you can't change them??
  • Lack of "remember password" button. I have to use an incredibly weak password for my account for this game because it wont store it. I'm sure lots of other people use the same password as they do on everything else because of this. Would be interesting to see Nexon get hacked and how many of those people become victims.
  • Terrible spawns, spawn protection. Spawn protection is unfair because if you move one meter out of your base on any map someone spawns in front of you and kills you. Why do I spawn in the middle of some open ditch in Snow Valley, the spawn protection wont save you there. If you don't go out of your base everyone will cry and call you a camper. If you go out of your base they will call you a spawn killer.. and then you eventually just get killed by someone with spawn protection anyways.
  • No room search or filter! I only want to see elimination on Snow Valley / Waverider / Tower!
  • There should be games that constantly start automatically so we don't have to wait half an hour for the room masters who aren't present to start.
  • The knife DOESN'T WORK.
  • Fall damage height threshold is ridiculous. You lose half your health from jumping off of a meter tall object.
  • If you go near a ladder you get stuck to it and get owned.
  • HEADS STICKING OUT OVER AN OBJECT CAN SHOOT YOU. I mean, what? When a player's gun is behind a wall but his/her head sticks out, bullets magically fly through and kill you.
  • Players' heads stick out of the door when they move up to them, you can shoot them through it :)
  • You can pay $5 to become an "Elite Moderator", which means you can kick anyone at any time during the game. I've only joined a few servers with elite moderators, and both times they constantly kicked people for no reason.
6. This game obviously has no QA team. And if they do, ?????????

This game not only fails at security, but also fails at usability.
There is a generalization that goes security = usability^-1. This applies to most sane software.
This game is security = usability = 0.

There is only one thing left to say about Combat Arms:


Anonymous said...

May i ask why you published your private crysis hack? :(

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, are you dead or wat?

Some people really missed you :)


Longpoke said...

Yeah, I'm dead for a while. I published the hack because I no longer said I have time to maintain it.

I'll probably start a new reverse engineering project one day though. It will be open source so everyone can use/contribute to it. This way, we can pick on stupid games like Combat Arms and Crysis and destroy them more easily.

People who program games like these just do not deserve to be rich. There's nothing I hate more than a crappy game becoming popular (Yes, Crysis is terrible, although the graphics are amazing). Hopefully one day more good open source games exist, I'm sick of these closed source programs that make you run them as admin, or at least the installer as admin, being one of the dominating reasons why Windows is so damn insecure for a non corporate user. Uggh, don't even get me started with DRM.

Anyways, this post is for expressing our hatred towards proprietary technologies and crap games like Combat Arms. If you want to talk about Crysis please do so in the Crysis source code post.

Anonymous said...

Hey man,
are you planning on making any combat arms hacks in the near future?

Even if not a complicated one.

Longpoke said...

Near future, no. I am too overloaded with work right now, maybe later.

Anonymous said...

What do you think about Modern Warfare 2 right now? Had a chance to pick it apart yet or are you not going to bother with it?

Longpoke said...

I would if I could.. Right now I'm working on two major projects and also doing school 24/7 T_T

Anonymous said...

What kind of projects are you working on dude ??? If you can tell us of course.

We miss you on th scene.

Longpoke said...

Nothing to do with game hacking...

Anonymous said...

Genial fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.