The Crysis Wars hack is now available. It works on all versions of Crysis Wars as well as the original Crysis.
The current list of features are:
-Speed Hack
-Fly Hack
-Infinite Energy
-Boost (Lets you get outside the map)
-No Recoil / No Spread / No Zoom Sway / No Weapon Cooldown Time
-Zoom hack
-Gamespy ID Spoofer
-Nametags Hack
-Ghost mode (Lets you run and kill from outside of your body, works with vehicles too)
-Superman mode (For use with ghost mode only)
-Third Person View
-Punkbuster Screenshot Blocker
-Undetectable against Punkbuster, SSM, etc
-Anomalies Video
-Mass Kill Video
-Bounding Box
-One hit kill against infantry
-Change anyone's names
-Change anyone's team
Original Crysis Features:
-Anonymous kill
-Mass suicide
-Mass blame kill
-One hit kill against infantry and vehicles
-Infinite ammo in rifles and pistols
ye son
longpoke,you didn't answer emails about crysis wars hack I sent you.Please send email me.(crusier)
yeah I got them now
Holly shit , you are always on top of everybody man ,other hacks dont even get close to yours.
Good to see you back man.
hi longpoke tnx for your works .
will crysis wars public hack be released?
Was it easy to make this hack?
Nope, it's impossible.
Can you be banned or kicked with your hack? Thanks
it's undetectable...
ATOM will own u all...... again!!!
I bought the other hack for crysis, Does that cost me 10$ or 20$ for a 6 more months?
If you bought a six month subscription to the other Crysis hack, it's $20 for this one.
To renew either it's always $10.
Please email me if you need to discuss this further.
What happend to the Mass kill? D:
Where's the vids LP?
Noooo. I have something much better ;)
But yeah I'll fix mass kill / suicide after this. (I actually found this while trying to get mass kill to work today).
Okay maybe it isn't better than mass kill but I'll add that soon. Unfortunately if you create too many anomalies for a long period of time the server will choke.
Hey LP the site that has that video has done something to it cause it won't load! Just takes u to the default page!Does the same after searching for and clicking ur vid!!
Works fine for me
Here it is in realtime!!
lol Thanks I'll post that on the page.
also lol @ this:
Merry Christmas!
Hey Thanx man!! Merry Christmas to u 2!!
Theres another one w/Happy Ending LMAO!!!
Longpoke you are the best,but help me please I need your hack, tell me how to get it, and how much I need to pay thanks!!!!!!!
hello bro look can you take off this two item in the crysis hack please the mass kill and the Anonymous kill that kill the game bro take off don't doing that for the hack because the people don't lest to play the other guys so that stupid
spam removed...
there are 2 mods that detect ur hack, mr. Pokie
hey lp just to let u know, I learnt that u got banned from dlnova, and they say that ur lp folder isnt on their ftp, but i pretty sure its there.
anyways they are workin on finding out wtf is going on and deleting ur lp folder so watch out!
you might want to secure ur shit incase they find it and delete it
@Guy 2 before me:
Hmm I tried it on SSM and it hasn't detected anything. Afaik it can only detect speedhack (for obvious reasons there is no way around that [unless SSM sucks that much]).
@Guy 1 before me:
What are you talking about. My servers are secured with NSA standardized IDS / security measures. The live update modules are secured with RSA4096-SHA512 integrity checks.
Hi Longpoke,
What are these things:
-Bounding Box
How does it feel to suck at English?
The lameness has been grep'd out. Except for one funny thing.
Hi Longpoke,
What are these things:
-Bounding Box
I added pictures to the post of them.
I'd buy it for 35$, not a cent more.
What do you meen with "cracked longpoke" ? who is h4x ?
Give me answers !
It means you can get a 10 year old pirated version of my software bundled with virii and other crap that those kids put on the internet. Please do not write that word again :)
@guy 2 before me, that's pretty cheap, other sites sell hacks for double the price of mine. Mine are much higher quality, and are cheaper.
does this work on Crysis 1.1?
Spam removed.
Yes it works on v1.1
It works in every version of Crysis and every version of Crysis Wars.
It also pwns so just get the dang thing already!!!
I hope my new offer will do it :-)
For now on I'll be writing the latest changes in this space, if you want to keep it updated, subscribe to the comment RSS feed.
-Now works on Windows 7
-Program made compatible with the fact that Intel i7 fixes the prefetch queue bug
-Added Bounding Box
-Added Wireframe
-Added Normals
Upcoming Additions:
I am now adding the features that were in previous Crysis hacks to the Crysis Wars hack.
After this, the original Crysis hack will no longer be updated.
After this addition, I will make no spread undetectable by spraying random parts of the hitbox, making it look like a real hit. Also anomalies will follow targets.
Current Anticheat State
SpeedHack detected permanently. If you lag, you are kicked. If someone knocks you far, you are kicked. If you teleport, you are kicked. There is nothing possible to do about this fact, it's a crappy detection method.
NoSpread is detected, but anti recoil is not. Nospread will be fixed like I said, and there is absolutely nothing anti cheat can do about it.
RapidFire is detected by at least one server, but only in non-automatic guns. The anticheat will and should not detect it in machine guns because lag or packet retransmissions can cause sudden fast bursts of fire.
All visual hacks such as the name tag hack and bounding boxes will never be detected.
Mass kill, slay, and anomalies are currently undetected everywhere.
You can even use anomalies to get people banned for "speedhack", if you make them fly away fast enough. A friend has got 10 innocent people banned from the -NH- server this way.
GamespyID spoofer is detected if you use it during switching maps. This will be fixed in the next update.
detected in MPAM too :(
i must agree...
when using the console....then your dead ingame, must disconnect...damn those antihackers!
....what? explain please.
IDK but I tried a few things in the server and they seemed to work just fine!! ghost,a_tg, a_lt 1 and they all seemed to work just fine! I guess it's a new anti cheat system, but the admin was on also so it might have been him just messing around!!
Mpcrysis warserver MPAM
true DT2, miguel was on at the time, he caught me and disabled my controls....
i will test more on mpam.
what DT2?
Miguel here, sons,
- Detection of Speed Hack is not crap method it checks for velocity and not for position.
- My anti-teleport hack uses the formula for distance between 2 points in a space descartes referencial so basically longpoke is right, a anti teleport hack that kicks for that is crap because it can kick players with lags, so what i do when i detect a teleport cheater is just teleport back the player
I gave this code to the CMS creator and if he is using it you also can't use that h4x in CMS server.
DT2 aka JackTheRiPPer am I right?
As you have no life you decide to try to hack other people games and find that funny lol... you need to learn a lot before doing something by yourself
Dude I got nothing against you but could you please create a decent anti-leak protection to your hack?
It sucks having the [H4x-Kid] clan leaking it to everyone. Not only you loose but also we that have to deal with a whole new bunch of idiots,
Also could you tell me a bit more about the anomaly hack? :) We already got some info about it but currently we are trying to detect it... But as no SDK yet you can have a bried of relief longpoke.
The No-Recoil:
There might be a way of detecting it...
Have fun
btw its MPCrysis Wars Server and not "Mpcrysis warserver MPAM". I know you jackTheRipper are a complete dumb. but come on... learning how to speak english correctly is important... even to search for cheats in google... like you do.
Ah and u used cracked longpoke lol so why are u here?
Masskill and slay got detected... I don't remember the server but i can tell it was HEAVY anti-cheat... some guy got detected as rapid-fire when i was on.
[quote] i must agree...
when using the console....then your dead ingame, must disconnect...damn those antihackers! [/quote]
I think he is talking about the +10000suicides (my crystats ! :( ) That some server gives to hackers. Not going on that server again lol, got 10000deaths for ghost hack :(
"- Detection of Speed Hack is not crap method it checks for velocity and not for position."
There is no velocity, as far as I know. Prove me wrong.
When you move your mouse or player in game it sends a packet with your current coordinates.
"The No-Recoil:
There might be a way of detecting it..."
nope. even if there was, i could just tweak it
"when using the console....then your dead ingame, must disconnect...damn those antihackers!"
Do you mean the server kicks you if you open the console? If so that can easily bypassed. I've never seen a server like that though...
There is a way of getting player velocity in Crysis, so this basically makes that my detection method is not crap one. Anyway I also check for the position teleport hack. The teleport hack also works as an anti-speed hack but there is one special way of detecting the speed hacks... As I said the only thing that happens in ther anti-teleport hack is that a detected player will be teleported back - so no problem in the player being detected for lag, etc
The no-recoil thing:
Yes there might be a way - there is a way of detecting the view camera of the player. unfornutelly I only found a way of detecting the view in x and y coordinates, unfornutelly not the z... for now. But I'm sure the lua API got that... With that I will be able to write a decent anti-no-recoil hack... I can write with the x and y cordinates (left and right) because the weapons when are being shooted recoil also by left and right... altough only a little bit. So this detection method is not good... but can be used...
There is also no way of detecting a guy when opening console... If was possible I would ban them for using your commands...
my anti cloak hack also do the job. i could improve it a bit but right now its perfectly fine. The only things that will be never detected are the Nametag hack, the wribox and those things. The anomallies we need to find out what exacly is one anomaly... and then I'm sure it is also possible.
Altought I completly hate the fact of kids buying hacks to ruin the game of others, I'm here trying to correcting when you say that some detections methods are crap and not insult every idiot here that uses hacks to ruin other peoples game...
I always thought the velocity in anticheat was determined by checking these 3 calculations:
player.X - playerOld.X
player.Y - playerOld.Y
player.Z - playerOld.Z
where playerOld is a vector snapped some time ago and player is the vector of the player at the current time.
If so, false positives can easily happen since player coordinates are set clientside.
If not, then I could just set my "velocity" to normal and still go faster than it by changing coordinates faster.
Then again I could always go in ghost mode and appear perfectly still...
Anyways these things shouldn't be detected as hacks, the capability to do them should rather not exist. But they entire game has to be remade for that... Look at other games like Source engine and Unreal Tournament which are somewhat properly coded as opposed to Cryengine which must have been coded by some kids that just got out of school.
Yes but ghost mode is detected.
But I did not used that way to detected the teleport (and also works as speed and fly):
this do a much better job, altought it's way complex. and also gives me the EXACT distance between the teleport hack to detect and inform via a message.
As the player is only teleported back even if a false positive happens (and sometimes they do, due to lag) the player will only be teleported back to the original place where he was... so no crisis if false positive
Also the velocity thing in Crysis exists. the api provides it. And I use it and works perfectly fine. But even if the velocity would be slow and the player was in fact going faster the anti teleport hack would detect him.
lol calculating the actual distance provides the same effect as what I said. Also you appear to be lacking a dimenstion from that link lol...
"Also the velocity thing in Crysis exists. the api provides it. And I use it and works perfectly fine. But even if the velocity would be slow and the player was in fact going faster the anti teleport hack would detect him."
The player would report normal speed because that's the variable set on his side, but he would be moving faster than the speed he says he is going, either due to lag or cheating.
Show me one server that ghost mode is detected on. I've been on every CMS and SSM server and they never detected it, unless you get out of ghost mode somewhere far from where you got into it from. (a_tg solves this)
a_tg.... pwned LMAO
Don't mess with LP!!
BTW I'm not Jack!!
Ahh, this ought to liven things up a bit. Crysis Wars was getting a bit boring.
someone taliking about me?.....
we will visit that server more....
he is a nice man.
my english is good enough...
i invite you to my test server, so you will see with un own eyes, shall we?
come on I'm waiting for a reply, want to come to my test server and see by your own eyes, or not?
lol your visits, JackTheRapper are not apreceat, JackTheRaPer, thank you very much. H4x-kids go paly with your barbies and toys because we got more things to do than feeding you.
does anyone know how to crash just one person's game on crysis? people have been doing it to me and i want to get them back!
Just find a vulnerability in Crysis (there are tons), then make it return to the correct address for everyone unless they are the one you are targeting.
er yes how do i do that?
Piss off, lamer
no seriously.. i really need to know
All Crysis features have been ported to this hack. They only work in the original Crysis 1.21 and below unless stated otherwise.
-One hit kill (Works on Crysis Wars against players, not vehicles). Works against vehicles in the original Crysis
-Mass Suicide (All, team, or enemy team)
-Mass Blame Kill
-Infinite Ammo
There is a client side fix to the anomalies:
longpoke my new panda antivirus is detecting atom here as a suspecious tool. is it safe or just crappy detection?
lol? If that client side "fix" fixes it, it means there is a bug caused by the re-initialization of the script. It's a feature of the game that makes anomalies work. For some reason I doubt that fix even works. I'll test next time I update the Crysis hack and say here.
@Other guy, it's a false positive.
if you are interested to know it says its:
virus? LOL now i wont buy i dont want a trojan in my pc. explanation
1) Remove your crap antivirus
2) Get something that doesn't consider WriteProcessMemory() as malware.
3) ?????
virus? lol no way you noob.
and whats the md5 of your file btw?
longpoke also put here the md5 of the original longpoke to compare
longpoke pwns
lol md5 doesn't mean anything, antivirus probably picks it up because it downloads code from my server and injects it to Crysis.
[q]virus? lol no way you noob.
and whats the md5 of your file btw?[/q]
hmm still not so sure. so why does crysis 1 hack is not detected?
no reply longpoke? :)
dunno? different packers on the old version?
or your anti leak spys the players to make sure they don't?
Be assured, If I needed to spy on anyone, I wouldn't make them pay $50 to do it, and it would not be detected. Please stop posting irrelevant comments about false positives as I already answered them.
internet access + small gui that does nothing + code injection = Flag for antivirus.
This space is for discussing the hack status only.
i was kicked before entering the game,,,reason: i.d spoofer detect.
just for your info.
pohead PWNT?
we did crash that kiddie server 10
payback for insulting kids never learn to mess with atom.
have a nice day.
aka....? you wanne know huh?
O.K. fine that you can do it. But you should be aware that you (and all the other hackers of online games) are killing mine and the other noncheating players fun. So the frustrated ones will not play the hacked games anymore and also not buy any new online games in the future (I can only speak for myself). Probably that will be ruin of the game developer studios and bring us no new good games. In any case: It is you and your hacks that kill the online multiplayer communtity. Congratulations!
Nope, it's 100% the developers' faults. They should have learned how to program before starting on this game. I have to run it on a seperate isolated machine because it's so full of vulnerabilities. A game made like this is just bound to die, even if there were no cheaters people would still quit because of all the annoying bugs.
Look at properly made games like UT99 or Quake III, they are 10 years old and still alive.
Yep, LP is correct...Sorry Zerberos your crying should be directed towards the developers.
Longpoke your last longpoke is wonderfoul but i can do one hit kill only with SMG and please try to do unlimited ammo it is my favorite
One hit kill infantry still works everywhere as far as I'm concerned. One hit kill against vehicles was detected, someone notified me about it days ago, It's undetectable again now. Make sure you are reading the readme from time to time as it updates.
I love you longpoke xxx
are you still working on crysis-wars? upcoming change to atom?
Next version will have chat spoofing. Maybe more ways to get people banned from CMS/MPAM etc too.
"Maybe more ways to get people banned from CMS/MPAM etc too."
You nor your ub3R h4x0rZ friends banned anyone from my server as far as I know.
My anti-cheat includes:
• Anti-Masskill Hack (SSM)
• Anti-OneShotKill Hack (MPAM)
• Anti-Modified Weapons (SSM)
• Anti-Freeze Hack (SSM)
• Anti-Speed Hack (MPAM)
• Anti-Teleport Hack (MPAM)
• Anti-Fly Hack (MPAM)
• Anti-Cloak Hack (MPAM)
• Anti-Ghost Hack (MPAM)
• Anti-No Recoil Hack and No Spread (MPAM)
• Anti-Remote Punch Hack (MPAM)
• Anti-Unlimited Ammo Hack (MPAM)
• Anti-Profile ID Spoofing (MPAM)
Obviously some things you make are not detectable but you can't be so proud of yourself "owning" us because you don't and you need to do a much better job than that. From your hack just few cheats work in mpam... visual hacks, anomallies and 1 or 2 more things.
:) lol
"Miguel", I've gotten people banned on SSM by spoofing packets from other people. I'm sure the case is exactly the same for MPAM. (Can't get on MPAM because I'm IP banned, but other say people still get on fine, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if there's a way to bypass IP bans without a proxy)
You are only doing detection based on people taking advantage of the flaws in the engine's design.
You should take into account the fact that anyone can easily spoof any packet from any player at any time without even joining the game, then rethink why SKSM/SSM/CMS/MPAM/CAC failed so much.
You cannot correct source code level implementation flaws using scripting that sits on top of the flawed engine.
BTW Everything is undetected on SSM/SKSM, except rapidfire and anything that makes you move fast, ie speedhack / teleport / boost.
Well first of all the SSM Aegis is currently made by non-skilled idiots that the only skill that they have is to Control+C and Control+V. In Crysis 1 SSM was created by a skilled programmer (Hawkeye) and he made an awesome job in it, so all your hacks might work on their mod.
I won't say that all you do is 100% on my mod. Crytek made a bad job coding Crysis with lots of bugs ans security problems and allow you do make what you want with this game. In all the other games these hacks would never exist.
As the Crysis Wars SDK is not yet available people can't even think of detection and solution to the anomallies, we have only Lua scripts available to code, so we can't do much things because Lua API doesn't allow us.
Spoof hits? Well, one less point to Crytek but anyway if you creare fake hits from a player to other I'm sure that would work a bit like the ghost hack.
"BTW Everything is undetected on SSM/SKSM, except rapidfire and anything that makes you move fast, ie speedhack / teleport / boost."
Yes asbolutly, but you don't need to cheat to get detected you just need to lag a bit or do few more things to get detected in this wonderful anti-cheat system.
But as far as I know this is supposed to be a cheat, to make kiddies gain advantage without being known and not to retarded lamers ruin to the game to the normal people after the idiot had a bad day. The spirit of these noobs is "I had a bad day, now lets annoy the others to also make them be", and you are contributing to such retarded and frustrated kids use your cheat and then say they are hackers like kevin mitnick or whatever
i think Miguel likes you LP....
next thing: loveletters !
keep it up.
Sorry longpoke, please conrrect what you said :
-Speed Hack DETECTED
-Infinite Energy DETECTED (cloak hack !)
-Rapidfire DETECTED
-Teleportation DETECTED
-Boost (Lets you get outside the map) DETECTED
-No Recoil / No Spread / No Zoom Sway / No Weapon Cooldown Time NO RECOIL IS DETECTED (No ban untill admin see's it)
-Zoom hack
-Gamespy ID Spoofer DETECTED (after 3connections)
-Nametags Hack
-Ghost mode (Lets you run and kill from outside of your body, works with vehicles too) DETECTED
-Superman mode (For use with ghost mode only) DETECTED
-Third Person View
-Punkbuster Screenshot Blocker
-Undetectable against Punkbuster, SSM, etc ? lol
-Anomalies DETECTED and DELETING them
-Bounding Box
-One hit kill against infantry DETECTED
I don't know for SSM & co. But this is CMS.
Forgot to add something :
"You should take into account the fact that anyone can easily spoof any packet from any player at any time without even joining the game, then rethink why SKSM/SSM/CMS/MPAM/CAC failed so much."
The answer is : No. It is detected when you spoof a packet on CMS :
Everything is verified (Player weapon, hit weapon ; player dir, hit dir ; etc etc)
lol I fixed antirecoil two weeks ago but didn't post, there's nothing you can do about it now.
Also I would like to see one piece of code in LUA that can access RMI payloads or even check playerID VS IP/socket/connection handle/etc.
"Everything is verified (Player weapon, hit weapon ; player dir, hit dir ; etc etc)"
WTF does this have to do with it?
"-Gamespy ID Spoofer DETECTED (after 3connections)"
That's pointless. The only reason gamespy ID spoofer exists is to get past gamespy ID bans
You might as well just IP ban in the first place.
All you can do is detect speedhack and slay hack, and anything based on them, which brings you back to nothing because these two things can be spoofed easily.
Now stop posting bragging about your anticheat.
i think Miguel likes you LP....
next thing: loveletters !
keep it up.
piss off lamer. get life skills and then we talk.
You can spoof slaying ? lol, no way.
Sins Crysis Wars, you are very limited. You found a way to do it with the punch, that is not detected by the crysis wars internal anti-cheat. But what you don't undertand, is that punch can only be executed if you are 0.7meter close to a player. If you are not, you are banned. (CMS)
"WTF does this have to do with it?"
Well, I see you are not very smart. The point is, you cannot spoof a player weapon, a playerId, or a player target. (that you have as experimental in your longpoke (Yes i have it))
"You might as well just IP ban in the first place."
The CMS bans works on IP, Domain, ProfileID, and other that i cannot publish(Don't want noob admins to copy my excelent ban methodes).
Anti-Norecoil hack doesnt work the way it does on the other server (if the bullet hit's 2times the same position... etc) So it is still detected, yes.
"But what you don't undertand, is that punch can only be executed if you are 0.7meter close to a player. If you are not, you are banned. (CMS)"
Exactly, when player 1 spoofs a packet as player 2, player 2 gets banned. I already tested this and it works. Crysis Wars tried to fix it but it still works. BTW you will automatically ban anyone who lags using that method of detection, if a hit packet is lost in route and is retransmitted x seconds later, the player will be too far from the target he hit.
"The CMS bans works on IP, Domain, ProfileID, and other that i cannot publish(Don't want noob admins to copy my excelent ban methodes)."
Another hole... Any of those can be easily spoofed except for IP.
"Well, I see you are not very smart. The point is, you cannot spoof a player weapon, a playerId, or a player target. (that you have as experimental in your longpoke (Yes i have it))"
Yes you can.
You guys should try fixing the netcode rather than trying to ban people who abuse it, there is no way to distinguish if a packet was caused by lag or by a cheat.
You shouldn't check if player x is sending "I-did-9000-damage-to-player-y" packets, there should only be a packet for shooting, which already exists in the Crysis Engine, just don't count hit packets, check the vectors server side to determine if the bullet hit. Same goes for coordinates, and pretty much anything else.
Look at the Quake III source or something and get a clue.
Or.. just give up since the game is already dead because the developers never did this in the first place.
"Yes you can."
Definitly, but you will be banned :-)
I will try but right now the only was we have is using LUA code because SDK isn't out so I can't fix the huge bugs this game has. So we right now have an higher lever language that we can use to detect cheats that were created using injection. We can't do much things but beleive me - my ghost hack, teleport hack and speed hack are very good. Without mention the slay detection - I don't ban players, I nullify the hits. The same to teleport hack. A normal detection would make a lagger to get banned, instead what I do is to teleport him back.
@lamer some replies after mine
Ghost hack isn't detected? Then use it, shoot to someone and wait a little while and see if you get detected or not.
@subm3ntor.....ik had niet verwacht dat je je hier in zou mengen! wel cool.
en ja ik kan niet op je server komen...goed gedaan met cms.
(translate he smart as hell)
@miguel im still having fun.and my life is
@LP still liking it :)
jackie would u mind tell me your lame nick pls? I'm very curious. Instead of hiding urself tell us who u are.
lol , one asking my name and didnt say his own name.
my game name is JacktheriPPer.
hmph. i always hack it up on the CMS server. using PM's speed hack, i can still move twice as fast as normal players but not the full speed. for example; the speed hack can go upto '10' but thats detected. shove it down to 5 which isn't detected but your still moving very fast.
best bit is to come, PM's fly/noclip hack works perfect. i can fly to one side of the map to the other in seconds.
this is on CMS v5.5 or sumthing. so basically, your anti-cheats are shit.
@LP, what features are in the hack now? anything new?
That's what I thought. I was in a few months ago and I used fly hack, and set speedhack to 2x, and I never got kicked. There's nothing new in the hack except what is posted. I plan to add team changing / chat / name changing spoofing soon, but I really have no time at the moment.
LP, what do you code your hacks in? C++ or assemby or both?
Intel assembly, I use masm32.
When will we have mass-suicide and blame-kill support for wars?
another question LP :D Is it possible to spoof the weapon so things such as the freeze pistol are possible?
and is no fall damage possible?
Will the Crysis Wars Patch 1.4 have an effect on you App?
looks like crysis-wars is running to his end already....up to the next :)
Patch 1.4 should be fine, if anything doesn't work on it just email me and I'll fix it.
Hi people, Just to let you know, Longpoke may take a little longer than normal to reply to his emails, as unfortuantely he must first work his way through the 46,000 he already has. But don't worry, just be patient, and he should reply within next year or so once he's got through the ones currently in his inbox.
Nice to see an intelligent hacker. Makes a change from pohead going "l33t H4X!!!!!!1111" and the like -_-
Of course, I hate hackers, but I still respect you, poke.
What noobs...
Btw, what are you working on atm?
link of screenshot doesnt work LP........
Works fine for me. Is your ISP blocking it?
longpoke hacked h4x-inc? xD
They should think twice before spamming my email account.
when will u update ur hax
Next week, name/team changing hacks are done, I just need to add a few things. Chat spoofing is important too.
I took some pictures a while ago when I was testing it:
lol my firefox crashes when entering the site of [].
What u used? ^^
Sweet... I was on that server when you used that and made the screens. i was "Longpoke(1)".
And i want to ask why do you not reply to my emails???
My Email is
lp pls hack those h4x-inc bastards again.
Can you improve the teleport?
Adding a strategic location in each grid square and then making this command would be good:
a_grid gridnumber
e.g. a_grid c4
That name change thing was too funny LP!
Hmm I'll look into the coordinates idea but I can't promise anything.
LP you Rock lol I just saw what I think you did to those h4x-Inc Douchebags
Nice job! lol
hey DT, you still around?
fun to see wat LP did to h4x....
keep up the good work.
lol nice job longpoke.. although I dont think it was u? was it? I think it was someoen else who was pretending to be u, like previous times. u said ud stop hacking us now that we removed all ur leaked hax....
for now, I'm assuming it wasn't you.
It wasn't me I authed someone in IRC to admin panel.
The reason I suggested grid-teleport is because I find that teleport is mostly useless, unless you've been to your destination already. Whereas a set of strategic teleport points would be extremely useful and quicker for getting around than ghost mode/speedhack.
And thanks for saying you'll take a look :)
pohead owned?
fine longpoek! u win! we r guna shut down forever.
.... NOT!
rm -rf /
lp when will u update ur hack?
LMAO h4x-inc PWNED!
Everything leaked, forums wiped and crashed, everyone demoted to "Junior Member"...
Looks like H4X-INC is under new management...and has been longpoked!!
Ownage, In its purest form...
Keep up the Good work LP!
Dear Poohead,
The only 'illegal' activity you will find me doing is taking down scammers/thiefs such as you. Have a nice day. Now stop spamming my site every 5 seconds with your 'keylogger' nonsense.
Poohead, Don't you WISH, you and your gang of Re tarted scammers & thief's could say the same thing? But you Can NOT!
O and speaking of "illegal' activity" LP is Right! Damn CD Key Stealing Douche Bags!!
I have MANY more pics and examples of you and your retarded gang like activity...So I have to say Thank you LP for cleaning some the scum from the internet.
LP, are you working on that 1.5 patch....??
a_tags isnt working
let us know.
OK, patch 1.5 has actually affected your hack:
Player enumeration is now impossible, meaning you can't taghack/slay. Speedhack is disabled also.
Off topic, syler is telling people to go to when you next hack their forums :)
Okay I'm fixing those as well as adding new features today.
cool, what features will be added?
so far you can change enemy names and teams. chat spoofing will be added as well, I might add some more stuff today too
Okay name changing and team switching of opponents is on, I will add chat spoofing and automatic renaming tomorrow. Also speedhack and taghack are fixed for 1.5.
name change still possible with 1.5?
lol pohead u lollipophacker
name change still possible with 1.5?
Mass kill and one hit kill do not work on v1.5 as they required sending punch packets to people from any distance.
As of version 1.5 the server checks if you are in range of the target. Of course there are many ways around that...
Also a new command was added to constantly automatically rename players, with the option to rename yourself as well.
'many ways around that'
So will we get slay or not?
Heck I didn't even know there was a 1.5 patch! Just goes to show how much I've been playing lately!!
I have a good idea for a new feature but i have no idea if this is possile.
Like to make a function where you can teleport players or the whole (enemy)team...
This would absolutely be great fun ^^
go to -UG-server and see that the admin Grazy doing that shit to players a lot....
it was a function in the old atom, dont know if its possible again.
who are you? are you suggesting you used the same password on that site as your email account password? I never touched any of those passwords from that site. Not my fault.
Well it is Dec 26, 2009 and I'm happy to say, H4x-inc is Officially Closed..
Hope everyone had a Awesome Christmas and A Happy New Year
Later LP
OMG best Christmas present ever.
Hello Longpoke,
Would you please advise ASAP how can I download the latest Crysis Wars hack package ''Crysis Wars/Crysis All Versions Private Hack''? Thanks a lot for your answer in advance! My email is
Kind regards,
hello, I'm dogpatrol one of the most watched videos of his hack, many people are asking me can they please send me on my email?
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