Status: Possibly Detected
If you want a fully undetectable self updating version, buy the private version which works on any version of COD4.
-ESP (Player names / isZoomed / isReloading)
-No Recoil
-Third Person
-Wallhack (CRX's Method)
-Radar Hack
-No Flash
-Server Crash Exploit (Advisory released by Luigi Auriemma)
-CD Key Changer
-Nick Name Stealer / Spammer
-Punkbuster Proof on PB Client v2.000 | A0 +
-Punkbuster Screenshot Blocker
Yeah it's good for sneaking around and jooking people with the knife...
Download Source + Binary:
Be sure to run the game, and load the hack while you are in the game menu. If you start the hack before the game, it works for a bit and then crashes. I've been to lazy to fix that part. (It will be fixed in the private version of course)
The ESP in the screenshots are outdated..